1(901)744-0345 Info@SaintLukeMBC.com

Welcome To

Saint Luke Missionary

Baptist Church

” Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the

manner of some is: but exhorting one another and so

much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”


Hebrews 10:25

St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church welcomes you to our website.  We at St. Luke would like to extend a cordial invitation for you to not only visit our website, but to come and worship with us. Our goal is to get back to the heart of worship and to pass the faith on as we strive to glorify God in all that we say and do. You will also have an opportunity to meet some of the friendliest and loving folks this side of Heaven. We look forward to seeing you soon!

1641 Keating Street
Memphis, TN 38114

Sunday School Start at 9:00 am
Worship Service Start at 10:00 am

Click Here to visit
our Facebook page

Join us for Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:00 pm via Zoom, call 662.420.0327 for login info.

About Us

St. Luke was established circa 1893 in the north area of Memphis, TN around the Chelsea and Watkins corridor. Our predecessors had always focused on the well-being and care of the community in which they served and we in this 21st century have continued in that strain of making sure the effectual and spiritual needs of our society are met. We at St. Luke have provided a holy place for true worship of the living God from the early beginnings there at the corner of Louisville and Auditorium streets up until now at our facilities in the Bethel Grove community near Lamar and Airways streets in Greater Memphis. Our goal is to teach and exemplify Gospel principles and doctrines as well as Christian character and to all who would attend the services. Our church launched out into the deep to provide information and inspiration to help build a better society of born-again believers who were willing to share their experiences with anyone who would hear what thus said the Lord. Throughout the years we have endeavored to provide wholesome truth and structure for the equipping of the saints to be able to go out and share this glorious story of God’s tremendous love to all mankind.

We conduct a very inspirational worship service each Sunday at 10 a.m. at our worship sanctuary at 1641 Keating St. Pastor Ron Brown is our spiritual leader and pastor and has been for the last 29 years. The Lord is truly praised and magnified in these glorious settings of Praise, Worship, Teaching and Preaching at St. Luke. All worship services are conducted decently and in order under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

We at St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church are engaged in various activities of spiritual knowledge enhancements for the parishioners as well as the community in general in that we have qualified leaders/teachers in our Sunday School classes that are offered each Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m.  We have well-trained deacons and lay people who go to various congresses in and out of the city who teach these classes under the oversight of Pastor Ron Brown who is present every Sunday unless on vacation.

We also engage in a Wednesday night Bible Study and Prayers Service at 7:00 p.m. where Pastor Brown or our other associate ministers or deacons are rightly dividing the word in a teacher-student type atmosphere.  Prayers and community outreach are certainly a great part of this service. We serve a dinner to anyone who comes to these services that is voluntarily supplied and funded by our caring parishioners.

Our church has also adopted the elementary school, Bethel Grove that is across the street from our church in what is called by the Shelby County Schools the “Adopt-a-School” program. We provide anything from clothing items (uniforms, supplies, and backpacks), big brother or big sister type comforting and counseling, inspiration, as well as food for the kids and staff for various events at the school. We are in the “helping business”. We also maintain a food pantry and a clothes closet to help the less-fortunate in our area. All of these activities are funded by our members and friends who care to help.

We at St. Luke are certainly focused on doing the “greater works” that Jesus the Christ spoke of in the scriptures with regards to spiritual enlightenment and growth, training in the word of God, launching out into the community to give aid, and giving God all the praise and glory that is due Him.